Fantask invites everyone to Kulturstationen in Vanloese on Saturday, April 5, from kl. 10:00 to 18:00. Admission price is only 20,- kr.
Come and play the latest board and card games, meet like-minded people and maybe make a good deal! This year we celebrates 10 years anniversary of Spilfestival, hip hip hurray!
- Discover the latest board-, card- and wargames.
- Get introduced to role play
- Meet the Copenhagen game associations.
- Celebrate 10 years of Games Festival anniversary with Fantask
Watch the whole program right here!
Fantask is ready with a selection of games and people who know the rules, so you can just walk right in and sit down - and play! There will be both new and old games to choose from, but all games, you can actually acquire if you completely fall in love with it.
There will as usual be a significantly extended children's corner with games for the youngest. And also a table for painting and some role-playing.
Kulturstationens Café is open, so if you need something to drink or eat, you do not even have to leave the building.