Mayo Cosplay, Sweden

Photo by Jacob.cr2

Nationalitet: Swedish
Beskæftigelse: Gallery manager
Has cosplayed for about 12 years.


Facebook: mayochancosplay
Twitter: mayocosplay
Instagram: bajamayo

How many years have you been cosplaying?

Since 2009, so for about 12 years?

What is cosplay to you and how did you get started?

Costume making is the part of cosplay that is still my passion to this day. It seems like I will never get bored of it since every project has its own challenges. As a cosplay veteran, I still try to develop my skills and explore new techniques. I think it is important as a cosplay judge to stay up to date on materials and trends within the community. Seeing other people create fantastic things always inspires me to work hard as well.

What is your most memorable cosplay experience?

I have many good memories from 10+ years of cosplaying but a more recent one is competing and placing 3rd as the first Swedish team in ECG in 2019.

Have you been in Denmark/at J-Popcon before, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I visited Genki in 2016, but that was the only time I have been in Denmark, so I have barely seen the country apart from the venue and the airport. Looking forward to seeing more and learning some new Danish words.