Dudus Arrrt, Hungary

Photo by Cleanpig's Hideout

Nationality: Hungarian
Occupation: Customer service, event organiser
Has cosplayed for 16 years.



How many years have yo ubeen cosplaying? 

Started in 2006, so this year makes it my 16th year, although I made my first costume on my own in 2010. We don't talk about the first 4 years, you know I was young and ... you know the rest. :D

What is cosplay to you and how did you get started?

I have always had a very creative side since I was a child and always dressed up in masquerades, so when I first encountered cosplay at an event, I knew that it would be perfect for me. Cosplay is very important to me to get away from everyday life and have fun experimenting with materials and techniques, also to bring my beloved characters to life. Every costume, prop, chracter is a challenge and I'm very detail-oriented so I always aim to recreate the character as they are.

What is your most memorable cosplay experience?

Since Hungary does not participate in many international cosplay competitions, I especially hold my memories from EuroCosplay 2015 dear where I managed to represent my country properly, and I met great friends who are still by my side!

Also when Dean DeBlois, the director of the How to Train your Dragon movies, tweeted about and complimented my Stoick the Vast costume ... that was kind of unbelievable and amazing. (I'm trying to look cool as a cucumber but I actually almost passed out. :D)

Have you been in Denmark/at J-Popcon before, and what are you looking forward to the most?

This is going to be my 3rd time in Denmark, and first time at J-Popcon, which has been on my convention bucket list especially because of the quality of the competition, so I'm really grateful for the opportunity. It's always a great pleasure to watch Danish cosplayers compete, because it never ceases to impress me, I have a lot to learn, I'm watching you!