As part of two events at J-Popcon 2013, we are looking for actors for pre-con video recordings in January as well as actors for the event during J-Popcon 2013.
All actors must be at least 16 years old.
Do you want to act in video clips being shown at two panels, or during a panel? Then send an e-mail to with the subject line "Statist". Please include the following information in your e-mail:
We will reply as fast as possible to all requests. In case we receive too many replies, we will create a list of reserves in case others cancel. Make sure you've read all the requirements and information below before you write to us.
You must be able to handle being recorded, and having the recordings shown at J-Popcon 2013. In some scenes you will have to acts as i parody of a fangirl. You will not receive payment, but we will provide lunch. Remember to bring water for the day. The recordings will take place in Copenhagen in Kongens Have and DGI-byen. We will walk between the two locations, so remember warm clothing, particularly since we will be recording outdoors, in January.
You must meet up with us 30 minutes before the start of the panel for briefing. Zombies must show up one hour in advance, for makeup. You will not receive any payment. Bottled water is available. You will perform in a large event room where the panel takes place. You will be part of the entertainment during the panel.
A part from this, we also seek one female between 18 and 25 who can participate in both the panel and prior recordings. You must also be able to spend Sunday, January 27th on recordings in various parts of Copenhagen. You must appear in the same cosplay all three days. You will have to act as a parody of a fangirl. If you would like this part, please send us an e-mail with the above info, but with "Rolle" in the subject line.