S.A.R.Z. Gamebar at J-Popcon 2011

Oct. 12, 2011


"It's an honour for swedishbased gameclub S.A.R.Z. to visit J-Popcon for the very first time! We definitly think it will provide an exciting meeting place for visitors and games. Besides many different and funny board- and cardgames (some of them is from Japan) you can play at S.A.R.Z Gamebar, we also arrange tournaments where you can win nice tournamentprizes! So please come and visit us in the Gameroom!".

"S.A.R.Z. stands for "Swedish Asian Roleplaying Zone". Because when we started up this gameclub at 1998, we were a group of roleplaying gamers. At around 2002 we started to go to different conventions to demonstrate games!".

Japanese games that will be shown:
"Make You Gunfighters", "Dungeon War", "Fortress", "R-Eco", "Robo-Tory", "MineOut". Together with "Ruby Gloom" (from Korea) and  "Whack a Catgirl" (from USA, but with manga-theme).


Spank the Monkey (cardgame)
Spank the Monkey is a fast-paced, humorous card game with sneaky tactics. All players are working in a junk yard where a teasing monkey has appeared. Your job is to climb up to the monkey and spank it.

Tournamentprize is sponsored by Gigantoskop, the company which make the game.
Time: Friday (exact time to be verified)

Pentago (boardgame)
An abstract strategy game with four 3×3 grids arranged into a larger 6×6 grid. Players alternate placing marbles on the board, one player has white marbles and the other has black marbles. The first player to get five in a row on the entire 6×6 grid wins, but there is a new twist: Every time you place a marble you also turn any one of the game’s four boards (3×3 grid) 90° in either direction. The ever-changing game board makes the game all the more challenging.

Tournamentprize is sponsored by Mindtwister Games, the company which make the game.
Time: Saturday (exact time to be verified)