Now, we are really beginning to pick up the pace – the plans for the different sign-ups are being set, we are beginning to build and plan, we can see J-Popcon 2024 ahead of us. But there is one important thing we have to have done: BatteryBoy og WingGirl anno 2024! 😍
As always, we have found an amazing, talented artists among the artists participating in our Artist Alley. 🥰 We love to put a spotlight on how fantastic the artists in our Artist Alley are, and J-Popcon 2024 is no exception. And we thing that this year's mascot artist has done a phenomenal job, one that we cannot wait to share with you.✨
But we can build soooome excitement, right? 😏 They deserve a drum roll! Can you perhaps figure out what BatteryBoy and WingGirl are inspired by this year? Are you excited to see how beautiful they once again look? 👀 We are looking so much forward to hearing what you think, because we are over the moon about the designs. 😍
So, keep an eye on our social medias – we are going to reveal their designs soon and update everything for us to really step into J-Popcon 2024's light! 🌸