Do you love J-Popcon, but want to try something new? To see the convention from a new angle? Are you hiding an inner event planner, or would you like to coordinate Artist Alley? Do you have a great sense of creativity to create a convention theme or would you like to make Dealer Room even better?
Then this is the right event for you!
On Sunday the 10th April at 13:30 on Søndre Campus, Copenhagen, you can hear all about what it means to be a volunteer at J-Popcon. We tell you about who we are, what happens before we arrive at DGI-Byen, and what the different teams are. Here, you can get all your J-Popcon related questions answered, and the volunteers will be ready to tell you about their areas. And if you want more, you will have the opportunity to sign up as a volunteer for J-Popcon 2023 at the end of the event!
All, you have to do, is click here and tell us if you can join us. In that way, we can have an estimate of how many people will show up, but if you cannot attend on Sunday, you can still add your email to the form, if you are interested in hearing more about volunteering at J-Popcon. You can also find a Facebook event here.
But what if you can't find your way to Søndre Campus? Well, then meet us at Islands Brygge metro station at 13:15, then we will walk together towards a day full of J-Popcon! And for you to have someone to recognise, we can here present our two hosts: Anders and Ida!
Anders is 31 years old and besides J-Popcon, he is three months from finishing my education in service economy and works as a receptionist on the side. (Picture: Gustav Højgaard)
Ida is 26 years old and besides J-Popcon, she has a master's degree in Latin and works at a publishing firm. (Picture: Troels Skov)
We've asked them three questions for you to get to know them better already and to get a taste of the content for Sunday.
How long have you been volunteers at J-Popcon?
Anders: 6-7 years, I think. There was a period where I wasn't in J-Popcon to focus on other projects.
Ida: About 6,5 years ... wow, how time flies. 2023 will be my seventh J-Popcon as a volunteer.
What do you do at the convention?
Anders: I have the fine title as festival leader at J-Popcon. If I have to mention some of my other areas of responsibility, I can mention Tabletop, Dealer Room, food stands, event, and Game Room.
Ida: Like Anders, I'm a festival leader at J-Popcon, but besides that I'm the team leader of printing, so I'm in charge of all printed material at the convention such as the conguide, T-shirts, and wristbands, and PR as well as an organiser in the cosplay team. I think that's it ...
What is the best about doing J-Popcon?
Anders: Uha. For me, it's the community that I'm a part of as well as all the people I work with. And then it's the best feeling Sunday night when we turn over the keys to DGI and have had the most awesome weekend. And then it's always great to be able to use everything we do on my CV.
Ida: There's so much! The other volunteers are a big plus, but there's something truly magical and unique about that feeling of arriving at DGI-Byen and seeing what you been working so hard on become reality. I never get tired of it! Only my feet get tired of a full weekend of J-Popcon, haha!
If you want to meet Anders, Ida, and a lot of the other volunteers, then join our event on Sunday. We hope to see a lot of new faces and look forward to introducing you to the work that makes J-Popcon reality!
OBS: To volunteer at J-Popcon, you have to be 18 years old.