Now that J-Popcon 2017 is over, the organizers group have had time to catch up on some well-deserved sleep! We’d now like to share some interesting facts about this year’s J-Popcon with you, and talk about some of the plans for next year.
Above all, we’d like to thank everyone hugely who choose to embark on a voyage into space with us on the EOS J-2X17. J-Popcon is organised by fans, for fans! If you guys didn’t have such a blast, we wouldn’t use all our spare time each year to arrange the largest convention in Denmark.
Yes, we are the largest convention of its kind in Denmark, based upon attending members. This year we had 3,500 paying members over the course of the weekend – wow! It is a small decrease from last year, where J-Popcon was taking place over the Easter holiday, but still it is a large increase compared with 2015. We can safely say, that Japanese pop culture in Denmark is still increasing in popularity.
The convention was arranged by 50 Organizers, 53 Trustees, 113 Gophers and 19 Maids, who combined put more than 4,000 man-hours during the convention into getting everything to run smoothly, and dynamically solve any problems.
We welcome new volunteers, so if interested in being a part of this in future and a great team, please send us your application via and help us create an even better J-Popcon for all congoers in Denmark!
Onto to next year’s J-Popcon! We are proud to announce that J-Popcon 2018 will take place over the Storbededags holiday on Friday 27th to Sunday 29th of April 2018. The theme has not yet been decided, so if you want to have an influence on this part of next year’s J-Popcon, why not sign up as a part of the organizer’s group and have your say! ;)
Finally, on behalf of all J-Popcon organizers, we’d like to say a massive THANK YOU for an amazing weekend; YOU are the reason we work so hard each year to make every J-Popcon even better each year. Despite an acute sleep deficiency, we are always smiling and full of energy after a fun weekend together with you in DGI Byen.
See you again on April 27th 2018!
The Board, J-Popcon 2017