For J-popcon 2016, we will once again arrange an auction for you to buy and sell anime, manga, merchandise, and other items related to Japanese popular culture. The auction will take place around noon on Saturday. Detailed information on the time and place will be provided at a later date.
1. A single person may only sell 8 items at the auction. One item can be anything;a single volume of a manga, a bundle, an entire anime-series on DVD, or even just a cardboard box full of manga, anime DVDs, and merchandise. The only requirement is that it be sold as a single item, for a single price.
2. We will accept a max of 150 items for J-popcons Auktion 2016. Items are accepted on a 100% first-come-first-served basis. If we reach this limit we will update the site to reflect that we no longer accept new items.
3. We will only approve things which have a strong connection to Japanese popular culture. A t-shirt with cute cats, a cool calendar with beautiful landscapes, a pretty dress and similar items will not be accepted.
If you have items you'd like to sell at J-Popcons Auktion 2016, please fill-out this form and send it to This mail should also have photos of each items attached. Details regarding this are written in the bottom of the form.
The items must be turned in at the reception Friday after 17:00, but before 19:00. You will receive details on how the items should be seperated and marked in the e-mail you will receive from us as confirmation that your items have been accepted for the auction.
If you wish to buy something at the auction, please keep an eye on facebook, or our website. We will announce the catalogue of items for sale at the auction 7 days before J-Popcon 2016.