Update about the AMV competition
Oct. 10, 2010
Due to the late submission is the amv contest entry date is moved to Saturday the 30th October.
Also after many e-mails about the max limit on 100 MB our system can take this year. We have opened for the possibility for sending your amv by mail on a CD or DVD.
The max file size is 1 GB, even though DVD's can have bigger files on them.
Send it to:
Anders Hilskov
Amagerbrogade 13, 4 sal th.
2300 København S.
- We only accept the following formats:
- We only accept amv's on max 1 GB
- It has to be in our possession Saturday the 30th October.
- The disk has to be marked with your name.
- You still have to submit the contest through the self-service. You still have to upload a copy of our amv on max 100 mb, it can be a 1 minute outcut from the amv, its only to compare your submission and your sent in disk..
- We do not send amv's back.
- We don’t cover the cost for the mail.
- We can’t do anything about lost mail.
Is there any further questions about anything, send an email to amv@j-popcon.dk