The talented manga artists and teachers from Nosebleed Studio visits J-Popcon. Catarina and Natalia Batista works professionally with manga and their own publications can be viewed at their booth in J-Popcon's Artist Alley.
To the delight of J-Popcon's manga interested audience, Natalia Batista talks about manga in two exiting lectures:
Yaoi manga-presentation and lecture:
Everything you need to know about Yaoi manga-comics. A reprise from two years ago, since it was so popular we had to stop some people to get in so know we have booked a bigger conference room, just to make sure.
Sword Princess Amaltea - a fantasy manga in a genderflipped world:
Natalia talk about her latest manga, that so far has sold over 2000 copies in Sweden and is also published online in English for free.
Both lectures are in English! Timeschedule will be released as soon as possible.
Postet by Per Sorensen