Billede af: Charles Cosplay Photo
Nationality: Swedish
Pronouns: She/her
Occupation: PR/marketing strategist
Has cosplayed for 14 years.
14 years.
A great way to prolong the fun of consuming your favourite show/game/book, connect with people. I also love how it challenges me to create and grow in so mahy art forms; sewing, propwork, makeup, and threatre.
I first tried cosplay when a friend invited me to tag along to a convention in 2009. I thought you HAD to have a costume to go. This wasn't true of course, but I got hooked nonetheless.
Photo by: Lovisa Andersson
Making it to the finals at World Cosplay Summit 2019 together with my dear friends in Team Denmark and my wife.
I have been a few times! As always, I'm looking forward to the spectacular show.
Billede af: Lovi J Photography