Elvea, Sweden


Billede af: Charles Cosplay Photo

Nationality: Swedish
Pronouns: She/her
Occupation: PR/marketing strategist
Has cosplayed for 14 years.



How many years have you been cosplaying?

14 years.

What is cosplay to you and how did you get started?

A great way to prolong the fun of consuming your favourite show/game/book, connect with people. I also love how it challenges me to create and grow in so mahy art forms; sewing, propwork, makeup, and threatre.

I first tried cosplay when a friend invited me to tag along to a convention in 2009. I thought you HAD to have a costume to go. This wasn't true of course, but I got hooked nonetheless.


 Photo by: Lovisa Andersson

What is your most memorable cosplay experience?

Making it to the finals at World Cosplay Summit 2019 together with my dear friends in Team Denmark and my wife.

Have you been in Denmark/at J-Popcon before, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I have been a few times! As always, I'm looking forward to the spectacular show.

Billede af: Lovi J Photography