Press Rules

All press, wearing press badge at J-Popcon, are required to follow these rules. They are to secure the safety for press, J-Popcon, and guests. If these rules are not followed, it can lead to being banned of the convention-area.


The rules:

§1. All press shall follow Danish press conventions, Danish law, and the press rules of J-Popkai.


§2. Press may only take footage of a person, if they have the particular person’s accept.

Pt. 2. This does not count if the footage is of a larger group, or a motion picture of the event.

Pt. 3. Motion pictures are excluded, if the focus of the footage is targeting a specific individual or group.

Pt. 4. Read our photo and video rules section.


§3. Do not harass the audience/visitors in any way.


§4. If J-Popkai approaches you with a wish that taken footage should be removed, you have to adhere. If the wish is ignored, the organisation, company, or press folk can be banned from future events held by J-Popkai.


§5. It is expected that people with press access produces relevant material of a decent quality. If this is not to be happen, J-Popkai may evaluate to refuse future press access from event held by J-Popkai.


§6. All press badges shall be visible on the person at all times.


§7. For factual questions, we refer to the press package or to


§8. The organisers have the final verdict if there should arise disputes or arguments about the press rules.


§9. J-Popkai reserves the right to warn or withdraw any press access.