LucioleS, France


(By P&S Photography)

Name: LucioleS (Valérie)   
Nationality:  French
Occupation: Seamstress
Website (other online accounts):


(By Allpo)

How many years have you been cosplaying?
9 years

What is cosplay to you and how did you get started?
Cosplay is a way for me to express my creativity and to push my limits by always learning new things. It is also the happiness I find in meeting new people and becoming friends with whom I share the same passion.
I started cosplaying during my studies in Paris after discovering it at conventions about Japanese culture.
I had already for a few years been interested in sewing to make disguises/costumes, and when I then discovered mangas, it was a perfect mean to bring toggether two of my passions.


(By Allpo)

What is you most memorable cosplay experience?
I think it is my quick change of Elsa's costume for my Frozen performance at the European Cosplay Gathering with my two best friends. It was my first big contest and when the audience applauded so loud it was totally magical. I will never forget it.


(By Wenbin)

Have you been in Denmark/at J-Popcon before, and what are you looking forward to the most?
I've never been to Denmark, or to J-Popcon, before. But I've heard a lot of good things about the convention and I have been wanting to come and experience it for a few years now. I also plan to visit Denmark on a vacation in the years to come and enjoy the beautiful landscape.
I can not wait to see the Danish coplayers. Everyone I have come across in the different international competitions have been so nice and adorable, so I can't wait to meet new ones. I am also very curious to see the differences in cosplay in comparison to France. It is always interesting to see new ways of doing things.