(By Sylvain Leobon)
Name: Sophie (Team Paraluna)
Nationality: Dutch (The Netherlands)
Occupation: Masters’ student in dentistry
Website (other online accounts):
facebook.com/teamparaluna, instagram.com/teamparaluna, twitch.tv/teamparaluna
(By Jeroen Weimar)
How many years have you been cosplaying?
I’ve first started cosplaying in 2008, so that’s 9 years ago. Whoa, time flies when you’re having fun!
What is cosplay to you and how did you get started?
I got started because I really wanted to know how to draft patterns, because at the time I was very interested in fashion and lolita dresses, but hadn’t even heard of cosplay. I got together with a little group of people who would turn out to become good friends, and together we learned the basics of sewing. It wasn’t until later that one person from the group suggested we go to a local convention, dressed as the Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts. That was my first con experience and I’ve been going to cons ever since. Unfortunately, I still have never worn a single lolita dress ;)
Now cosplay is a way for me to keep on learning and being creative. With every new project I tackle I try to do something I’ve never done before, and in that way to keep learning. I love studying and researching for hours on end, trying to figure out a way to make the impossible possible. I also love experimenting with new materials and trying to see what other applications I can find for them. I guess I just love cosplay because it keeps me busy haha! On the other hand, I also absolutely love to perform, and cosplay is a great medium for that. Getting to express your love for a character on stage is an amazing experience!
Hvad er cosplay for dig og hvordan startede du?
Cosplay bringer balance til mit liv omkring arbejde, relationer og familie. Det er min "anden verden", hvor jeg kan lære nye færdigheder, afprøve gamle færdigheder, skabe mine drømmekostumer og flygte. Jeg var altid interesseret i kostumer, men da jeg opdagede cosplay på min første konvention, vidste jeg bare, at dette ville være hobby'en for mig.
(By N8e)
What is you most memorable cosplay experience?
I’ve got to say, I have been so blessed when it comes to cosplay experiences, it’s really hard to pick one. Whether it’s the friends I’ve made, the skills I’ve learned, or the places I’ve been – I’m so incredibly grateful for all of them. If I had to pick one, I guess it would be a memory from CICAF in China. I was dressed as Elsa from Frozen with my teammate Liza as Anna, and never in my wildest dreams had I expected the response I would get from the Chinese audience. Almost immediately after entering the venue I was swamped by people, taking pictures with whole families, singing Let It Go with the kids, until security had to drag us away from there. As it turned out, the crowd had gotten so big, security feared people would get trampled. We got the instructions to “keep moving while in costume”, lest the crowd would once again grow too big. Mind-blowing, but also absolutely amazing.
(By Jeroen Weimar, who also did the banner picture)
Have you been in Denmark/at J-Popcon before, and what are you looking forward to the most?
I have been at J-popcon once before a couple years back and I really enjoyed it, so I’m over the moon to be returning this year! Back then I had already heard stories about the amazing cosplay show and it definitely did not disappoint, so that’s also something I’m really looking forward to this year. I also can’t wait to see some friends again that I have not seen in forever, and hopefully make some new friends as well!