You must have a weekend ticket for J-Popcon to apply for a table in Artist Alley.
Each artist have to pay 200 DKK for half a table. If you want a solo table, you can do so for 500 DKK.
Each artist can only get up to one table approved.
If you commit to being in Artist Alley for at least 4 hours Friday, 6 hours Saturday, and 4 hours Sunday, you can have your weekend ticket refunded after the convention.
If you DO NOT commit to the hours listed above, you cannot have your weekend ticket refunded after the convention. We still expect that you spend at least 2 hours Friday, 3 hours Saturday, and 2 hours Sunday at your table for the sake of the artists that were not approved in time.
If you get approved, but resign within a specific time frame, J-Popcon reserves the right to keep a percentage of your weekend ticket. The percentages are as following:
Two weeks before: 25 %
One week before: 50 %
Two days before: 100 %
No show without a message: 100 % and blacklisted
No music or blinking lights are allowed. Fairy lights that don't blink are permitted.
Only participants who have applied and been approved for a table may exhibit their works in Artist Alley.
You must inclue a link to some of your work in your application. It must be representative of your current art. It does not have to be pictures of the actual products you bring to the convention. Remember to test that your website link actually work, BEFORE you press send.
Exhibited works must be originals. Fan art is allowed, as long as the aritst have added their own unique touches. Direct coppies and tracings are not allowed. This also includes AI-generated pictures.
If you are caught stealing and/or copying others' art, J-Popcon reserves the right to ban you from our Artist Alley.
You have to be 18 years old or older at the time of J-Popcon to sit in our Artist Alley. Alternatively, you can be over 16 years old and sit together with someone who is older than 18, as well as have a written permission from your parents.
Orders and commissions are allowed, but J-Popcon takes no responsibility or part in the transaction.
Artists are responsible for their own material, equipment, works, and money stored in Artist Alley, both during opening hours and outside of these.
If you leave your table in Artist Alley for a prolonged period of time, you should inform an Artist Alley staff member.
If you are prevented in attending or in ohter ways delayed for a longer period of time, you should also let J-Popcon know.
You cannot win the same Artist Alley award two years in a row.
The artists' tables are theirs and not storage for convention guests.
Food and drinks are not allowed in Artist Alley. The artists are exempted from this rule and can eat and drink at their own table.
You must tidy up nicely and we expect that you leave your table in the same condition as you received it. If you leave a larger amount of trash and food trash, this will have consequences for your future participation.
There can only be approved one helper per artist. We must received the name of your helper no later than a month before the convention, otherwise they cannot be approved as helper. Handicap helpers are exempted from this rule.
There will not be extra chairs available after the convention has started.
It is allowed to bring artwork depicting erotic material, but this cannot be displayed openly. Instead, you have to put it in an opaque folder or box, clearly and appropriately labelled. The artist is responsible that children do not browse these.
The following content is not allowed, not even in a folder:
- Sexually explicit content
- Self-harm
- Sexualising of loli/shota/underage characters.