J-Popcon 2011 auction

Aug. 27, 2011

Auction at J-Popcon 2011

This year at J-Popcon there will be an auction, where you will be able to sell and buy anime/manga
merchandise and other thinks related to Japanese pop culture. The auction will take place Saturday

Do you wish to sell? Then you should send an email to event@j-popcon.dk, and in the subject
line write “Sale”. In the email or as an attached file you should send a description and a picture
of the things that you wish to sell at the auction. If you have a start price you should write
that too. When you arrive at the convention, Friday, we will ask you to hand over the goods. More
information will follow when we received your email.

The deadline of entering with objects for the auction is the 15 of October 2011.

Maybe you would like to buy? If that is the case, you should keep a look out for the webpage
about 14 days before the convention. Around this time a catalog will be posted, where all objects for
sale will be shown. Beside the catalog, you will be able to see the objects live on the convention
Saturday morning/afternoon.