J-Popcon 2011 will be held, like last year in DGI-byen, Copenhagen the 11th to 13th November.
It is Denmarks largest festival for Japanese popularculture (over 2200 visitors in 2010), and among others you will be able to experience a manga-comic library, a gaming area with japanese games, cinemas with anime-cartoons and merchants from different parts of the world. And a wealth of competitions, quizzes, artists, panels, international guests and other j-popculure related events.
J-Popcon 2011 will also have the big cosplay costume-competition, with qualifications for the biggests international championships in Paris, London and World Cosplay Summit in Japan.
Signup for J-Popcon 2011 will open next week, for the benfit for those that would like to secure a hotel room early, and close to DGI-byen.
More information about the program and events at J-Popcon 2011 will be announced later.