We have hinted, we have teased, but now we are finally ready for the first more concrete reveal ...
J-Popcon won't just rearrange a little bit – very few areas will be located where they have been for years. 😱 Yes, you read that right, we are shaking things up! And it's all for a better convention, where there will be more space for both us and all of you amazing guests. 🌸
We know that change is scary, but we believe that this will be big and great. As said, we have grown the last few years, but DGI Byen is stil our perfect location, so we will do everything it takes to make it work, which means we need to do something new and exciting.
So, what are these changes? Well, the big thing is that our big stage in Øksnehallen will move to the old Dealer Room. We are returning to the good old days, where we first moved to DGI Byen, the difference being that we know much more and we are ready to ensure that the stage in DGI Byen will be just as great as it was in Øksnehallen. 🥰 With the stage moved, it opens the doors to filling up Øksnehallen. Not to the brim, but for us to expand certain areas that had reached their full capacity in DGI Byen, all while we avoid too many people in narrow hallways. ✨
During the next few days, we will reveal the details of the move: What goes where? What does it mean for our cosplayshows? Where will the entrance be? We will answer this and much more, so follow along! And please, ask away – we will try to answer all your questions in the posts themselves, but if you are left with unanswered questions, write us a message. We know that this is all very new, but we are ready to reply. 😊
In short: J-Popcon is still in DGI Byen and Øksnehallen – and we will still offer everything that we normally do, but we belive that this will be bigger and better for us to embrace all of you, old as well as new, who want to experience the magical atmosphere of J-Popcon. 🌸