Once again, we had an amazing DCC - Danish Cosplay Championship - at J-Popcon with 16 different acts from completely different series, solos as well as groups. We are so proud of all the participants, among whom we both had veterans and novices. We are always so happy for the amazing interest and support of our show, and we are always looking forward to it all kicking off during Saturday.
This year, we had a number of different qualifications, where we had to send our Danish representatives: EuroCosplay Championships (EC) at MCM London ComicCon in London, England, Nordic Cosplay Championship (NCC) at NärCon in Linköping, Sweden, European Cosplay Gathering (ECG) at Japan Expo in Paris, France, and World Cosplay Summit (WCS) in Nagoya, Japan. These winners were chosen by our amazing, international cosplay judges, Check Cosplay from Switzerland, Syrupcookie from the Netherlands, and Merry All-Nighter from Finland. In addition to that, we had our Crowd Favourite as always, a prize chosen by DCC's audience and their vote.
This year's DCC winners were:
Once again, a big congratulations to all the winners, we are looking forward to seeing you all out in the world, competing with your amazing acts!
Photo by: Brian Rocatis