Artist Alley 2019 Drawing Competition Winners

May 30, 2019

Thanks a million to all the awesome, friendly, and creative people who came by J-Popcon's Artist Alley 2019 and contributed to the super cool atmosphere. We are extremely impressed by the high level of creativity and craftiness, Not only among our table owners and artists, but also among all the regular congoers. This is exactly the kind of interaction, community feeling, and sharing of tips and ideas we’ve worked so hard to create in our Artist Alley in recent years.

Like the last few years, we had a daily drawing contest in Artist Alley for our congoers. Each day there was a new topic to draw, that referred to this year's theme.

The three most talented drawers won a drawing course at the LOF school, a bunch of mascot stickers from the last three years of J-Popcon, as well as a large, blank, hand-molded Lucky Cat figurine, they can colour exactly as they want once they come home.

Unfortunately, we did not receive enough drawings on Friday with the subject “Draw the coolest neon sign” to be able to call it a real contest. Therefore, we instead chose to appoint two winners on Saturday.

Saturday's winners

“Draw the Coolest, Cutest, or Trendiest Harajuku Girl or Boy”
Drawn by Charlotte B.



Drawn by Luna Lehmann

The Sunday's winner

“Draw the Cosiest, Coolest, or Most Unique Food Stall, Café, or Takeaway Place”

Drawn by Lisbeth Møller Fly