I samarbejde med Comic Party præsenterer J-Popcon den japanske manga-illustrator Yamazaki Urita som eksklusivt besøger J-Popcon for at fortælle om sit arbejde og vise sine flotte illustrationer frem. Lørdag aften og søndag eftermiddag, kan man komme til foredrag i det store Forsamlingshus, lige ved siden af Artist Alley. Desuden kan man møde og se Yamazaki Urita tegne i selve Artist Alley området. Se nogle af hendes illustrationer her.
Comic Party deltager også i Artist Alley udover at være repræsenteret i Forhandlerrummet. Der er flere tegnere fra Comic Party som sidder og viser tegninger og illustrationer frem. De glæder sig alle til at møde Jer. Hvis man vil vide mere om Comic Party og deres tegneserie udgivelser, kan man læse mere om dem her.
Ovenstående billede viser skitser med udviklingen af hendes tegnestil fra før og til nu.
Yamazaki er 25 år gammel og har tegnet siden hun var 10 år.
I de sidste 10 år, har hun brugt den samme stift blyant til at lave skitse og tegne Lost and Found.
Hun arbejde i SAI og photoshop for digitale illustrationer.
Hun er Fan af Dragon Quest 6 og Precure (Pretty Cure)
> My work as an illustrator:
I work in Japan for a online game and roleplaying game company called TommyWalker. I draw in detail backgrounds and characters. I plan to publish a picture book with an acquaintance I met through the website in 2012.
> How many years have I been drawing:
I have been drawing manga where human characters appear for about 15 years. I do have memory of drawing animal like characters and such when I was small, but I do not remember when I actually started to be able to draw pictures. As it was when I was very small, I do not remember as much, but when I started to draw human characters for the first time, I felt somewhat very embarassed.
> The tools, programs used for drawing:
I draw Lost and Found and other sketches with my beloved mechanical pencil that I have been using for close to 10 years now. For colour, I use COPIC sketch markers for paper illustrations (It is a colour pen/marker from a Japanese company). I have many different colours, about 130. I originally had interest in collecting drawing materials, so I have yet to use them, but I have about 500 coloured pencils as well. For digital illustrations, I use photoshop for the line art, and then a program called SAI to do the colouring.
> What you would like the readers to know about you:
I love Europe to the point where I am thinking about moving there. I am very jealous of everyone, who are able to live in such a beautiful environment.